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ALA awards deadline extended

CHICAGO – The deadline has been extended to Mar 2 for two of American Library Association (ALA) awards and grants, including the Beta Phi Mu Award, and the Scholastic Library Publishing Award  Although the online application has a Dec 1 deadline date the applications will be accepted through Mar 2.

Beta Phi Mu is presented to a faculty member of a library school or an individual for distinguished service to education in librarianship. The award includes $1,000 and a gold-framed citation donated by Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honorary Society.  Application

Scholastic Library Publishing Award An annual award consisting of $1,000 and a gold-framed citation presented to a librarian whose “unusual contribution to the stimulation and guidance of reading by children and young people” exemplifies outstanding achievement in the profession.  Application

For general information about these and other ALA awards, visit


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