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IATSE sets tentative Area Standards Agreement with studios and streamers

Source: Pixabay

Three days after announcing a deal on their Hollywood Basic Agreement, IATSE and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) have reached a tentative agreement on their Area Standards Agreement. 

The follow-up deal reinforces confidence that the US industry will avoid more labour action this summer, though both agreements still need to be ratified by the members of IATSE (the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees). 

The ASA contract covers approximately 20,000 behind-the-scenes film and TV workers in the 23 IATSE Locals operating outside California, including workers employed in busy production hubs such as Georgia and Louisiana. 

The Hollywood Basic Agreement is the umbrella contract covering 50,000 workers in the 13 West Coast Studio Locals of IATSE. 

IATSE said it will soon make summaries of both agreements available to the relevant members, with the full ASA Memorandum of Agreement to follow in about two weeks. 

The union said that the “significant improvements” in the ASA tentative agreement include scale wage rate increases of 7%, 4%, and 3.5% over successive years in the contract’s three-year term as well as “comprehensive artificial intelligence provisions” defining covered work and protecting against prompts used to displace employees.



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