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ALSC releases the National Research Agenda for Library Service to Children (Ages 0-14)

ALSC has released the Association for Library Service to Children National Research Agenda for Library Service to Children (Ages 0-14) which outlines a prioritized list of six strategic research areas and potential research questions to be examined in each area. The research agenda draws attention to relevant topics in the field where research is limited and provides a catalyst for research that will inform youth librarianship and support advocacy for the field of library services to youth.

The ALSC Research Agenda Task Force, led by co-chairs, Dr. Kathleen Campana and Brooke Newberry was supported by a Research Agenda Advisory Board consisting of academics and practitioners. The task force charge was to create a division-wide and subject-specific articulation of current research trends, areas of further exploration, and current needs in the field that might be addressed through research; and to recommend avenues for pursuing this research. The research agenda and research questions were developed based on a survey of ALSC membership, a literature review of existing research and ongoing input from a Research Agenda Advisory Board.

The resulting six priority research areas include: Learning and Development for Young Children and Families, Learning and Development for School-age Children and Families, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Children and Families, Media Mentorship and Technology Use with Children and Families, Impact and Exploration of Literature and Resources for Children, Professional Development for Library Staff to Serve Children and Families. Each research priority area includes an introduction that expands on the topic and specific research questions to address or lead to new questions. 

“ALSC looks forward to encouraging intentional research that informs evidence-based practices that can be applied to improving library programs and services that support children and their families. The Research Agenda will help librarians, academics, students and others to develop and explore content that ALSC members have defined as relevant to both galvanize and advocate for their work in service to their communities”, said Cecilia McGowan, ALSC President.

The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) is driven by more than 4,000 members dedicated to the support and enrichment of library service to children. Our members include youth librarians, literature experts, publishers and educational faculty. ALSC supports its members in engaging communities to build healthy, successful, futures for all children. To learn more about ALSC and how to join, please visit our website at

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