MIDDLETOWN, CT – The Choice Outstanding Academic Titles (OAT) list for 2020 has been announced. This prestigious list, released on December 1, reflects the best scholarly titles reviewed by Choice during the previous calendar year, as chosen by the editors. This year’s list features 531 books and digital resources from 123 publishers. Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s award list was completed on schedule and to the same high standard expected from Choice.
Bill Mickey, Choice editorial director, remarked, “Presenting the list this year is especially gratifying because of the hard work and perseverance from the academic publishing community and the Choice reviewers and editors who kept the trains on the tracks during a global pandemic.”
As in previous years, Choice editors will present a weekly series of “sneak peeks” into the 2020 OAT list, providing an overview of the year’s best academic nonfiction in select subject areas. While the Outstanding Academic Titles list in its entirety is only available to Choice magazine and Choice Reviews subscribers, these curated mini-lists will be available to non-subscribers as well, via enewsletter and also on the Choice360.org website.
Visit the Choice website each week for a new carve-out of the 2020 OATs — featuring themes such as top 10 titles, subject-specific selections, or timely collections. If you prefer to receive a weekly list snippet in your inbox, you may sign up for the Outstanding Academic Titles enewsletter at www.choice360.org/newsletter-signup.
About Choice
As a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Librarians, Choice supports the work and professional development of academic librarians by providing tools and services that help them become more effective advocates for their patrons. Through its over-fifty-year history, it has established itself as an authoritative source for the evaluation of scholarly resources and as the publisher of trusted research in areas of interest to a changing academic library community.
Today, Choice works to bring librarians, scholars, publishers, and the reading public together, facilitating a shared concern for the discovery, management, and preservation of scholarly information. Please visit Choice at www.choice360.org for more information.
Originally published at https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2020/12/choice-announces-outstanding-academic-titles-2020
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