Resource Sharing is a dynamic and changing field in librarianship. It is a critical component of any library’s ability to supplement its existing collection with materials that can be sources from other libraries. Staff and student who do not work directly with Resource Sharing may not be aware of all the details involved in this important library service.
Register today for the November 13, 2019 webinar titled “Demystifying Resource Sharing: ILL Basics for Non-Resource Sharing Staff & Librarians” where the presenters will provide an overview of Resource Sharing. This webinar is appropriate for anyone interested in learning more about the background of the service, how the service has evolved, and what trends are emerging in the field.
The instructors: Ryan Litsey, Associate Librarian and head of Document Delivery at Texas Tech University; Jessica Bower, Reserves Services and Resource Sharing Librarian at Yale University; and Jalesia Horton, Access Services Librarian at Augusta University, Reese Campus.
This webinar is sponsored by the RUSA’s Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section. RUSA, a division of the ALA represents librarians and library staff in the fields of reference, specialized reference, collection development, readers’ advisory and resource sharing. RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need.
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ShowBiz - Show Biz clinic originally published at ShowBiz - Show Biz clinic