CHICAGO – Edward M. and Helen R. Adams have joined Roger and Susan D. Ballard and Cassandra Barnett as sponsors of an American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Past-Presidents Planning Grant for “National School Library Standards.” The award, given each year, is named in honor of an AASL Past President. Adams’s 2020 grant honors AASL Past President Sharon Coatney.
The AASL Past-Presidents Planning Grant enables AASL Affiliates to plan and execute an event, initiative, or activity focused on the implementation of the AASL Standards. Grant recipients receive $2,500 and are honored at the AASL Awards Ceremony.
When asked what inspired her to sponsor an award, Helen Adams replied: “For many years, AASL provided me with many educational opportunities such as its national conference and publications, contributed to my personal ‘expert’ network, and gave me many opportunities to serve in leadership positions. Now, I want to give back in a way that helps others learn about the latest AASL Standards. I chose to honor AASL Past President Sharon Coatney for numerous reasons. She created an award-winning program that combined school library research and theory with best practice, she chaired two influential AASL committees—Teaching for Learning and Reading for Understanding–and her lifelong interest in school librarians being leaders led her to solicit essays on a variety of topics written by experts in the school library field.”
“The planning grants help AASL’s affiliate associations provide much-needed support for school librarians close to home, in their region or local communities,” said Mary Keeling, AASL President. “So many school librarians all over the United States are eager to learn how to improve their professional practice through the AASL Standards, but cannot travel to national or even state conferences. These grants help affiliates empower school librarians to transform teaching and learning, wherever they live, work, and lead.”
Applications are currently open for the AASL Past-Presidents Planning Grant for “National School Library Standards” at
The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
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