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Missouri Association of School Librarians receives AASL Past-Presidents Planning Grant for National School Library Standards

CHICAGO – The Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) has been named one of four recipients of the 2020 American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) Past-Presidents Planning Grant for National School Library Standards. The $2,500 grants, awarded in honor of AASL past presidents, are presented annually to AASL Chapters for the planning and execution of an event, initiative, or activity focused on the implementation of AASL’s National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries. MASL is the recipient of the planning grant awarded in honor of Retta Patrick and sponsored by Cassandra Barnett.

Said grant committee chair Dorcas Hand, “Missouri is combining leadership skills training with AASL Standards implementation – what a brilliant idea! They will offer a workshop to explain leadership qualities in the context of a state award for an exemplary library program; as attendees implement their learning and apply for the award, Missouri school libraries will reap the benefits.”

“MASL plans to develop a full-day workshop for school librarians to help them develop leadership qualities and practices aligned with indicators of Missouri’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Exemplary School Library Program Award,” said AASL President Mary Keeling. “After attending summer workshops school librarians will report on their subsequent leadership activities in providing professional development, serving on curriculum and school improvement committees, and developing strong communications with stakeholders. Congratulations to MASL for aligning this important work with the DESE award. This is an important and highly visible way to bring attention to Missouri’s strong school libraries and their impact on learners.”

“AASL works with its chapters to activate leadership within the school library community and to influence educational policy and funding for school libraries at the local, state, and national levels,” said Keeling. “We are pleased to offer planning grants honoring past presidents to help state chapters address their state librarians’ particular professional learning needs. This year’s grants demonstrate how the National School Library Standards can inspire strong school libraries in any context and serve as a frame for powerful messaging. I am delighted with the variety of plans receiving awards. Many thanks to AASL’s past presidents who continue to lead through their generous sponsorship of these awards, and congratulations to the grant recipients!”

The AASL award winners will be honored during a virtual AASL Awards Ceremony during the fall of 2020. The virtual ceremony will replace the live ceremony traditionally presented during the ALA Annual Conference. Out of concern for the health and safety of all members of the community, the ALA Executive Board felt it was important to cancel the 2020 conference taking place in Chicago. Details for the virtual ceremony will be shared as they are finalized. 

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

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