The ALA’s New Members Round Table (NMRT) Online Programs Committee is seeking ALA members who are interested in participating as panelists in a one-time webinar for NMRT members on the topic of job searching during COVID.
A survey conducted last fall indicated that NMRT members have a strong interest in programming that is focused on how to find a library job during these unusual and uncertain times.
We are looking for potential panelists who can share insights from their experiences with hiring library staff over the past year, speak to the general outlook for hiring in the short-to-medium term for their library type, and provide insights/tips/advice on applying for library positions, interviewing, and the overall hiring process. We would like to have one representative from each type of library on the panel.
The webinar will take place in May or June, on a date to be decided once the panelists are determined.
If you are interested in participating as a panelist, or if you have any questions, please contact Alexandra Loewen.
The Online Programs Committee of the NMRT thanks you for your consideration.
The ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) is the liaison to NMRT.
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