CHICAGO — The Games & Gaming Round Table (GameRT) of the American Library Association is pleased to announce two recipients of their Game On! Grant for 2022 – Roselle Public Library District (Roselle, IL) and Seward County Community College Library (Liberal, KS). GameRT introduced the new grant program in 2020 with the intention of providing libraries with the opportunity to receive funds to develop gaming programs or collections for their community. The grants allow for GameRT to award one grant of $500 or two of $250 each year and any type of library is eligible to apply.
Roselle Public Library District’s proposal plans to expand its existing multi-generational program “Grandparents Got Game” to include outdoor activities to better accommodate patrons at higher risk to COVID-19 which can include grandparents and young children. The library will use the $250 grant to grow and evolve this already popular annual program.
Seward County Community College Library hosted its first ever chess tournament in 2021 and their proposal plans to invest the $250 grant into improving the tournament experience with new chess sets and time-keeping clocks. By bringing chess to Seward County Community College they hope to provide not only engaging activities for the students but also for the whole community.
Rebecca Strang, GameRT President-Elect and chair of the Game On! Grant Jury said, “The Game On! Grant committee was very excited to be able to choose two libraries as grant recipients this year especially since both libraries are different types (public, academic) and the proposals focus on different populations (kids/seniors, college students). Projects focusing specifically on seniors is something GameRT has not seen a lot of, so it was refreshing to see a generational program proposal this year. We hope both libraries have great success with their programs!”
Find more information on the Game on! Grant and the application process.
About the Games and Gaming Round Table
The Games and Gaming Round Table (GameRT) of the American Library Association provides a venue for librarians interested in the use of games and gaming in libraries of all types a place to gather and share. GameRT was formed in 2011, replacing and extending the pre-existing gaming member interest group. As a round table, GameRT is built around our shared passion for games and the use of gaming within libraries. With members from all types of libraries, GameRT encompasses a wide variety of viewpoints, situations, and user types. Look for more information on the GameRT blog.
About ALA
Established in 1876, the American Library Association (ALA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.
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