CHICAGO—Nominations are being accepted for the 2020 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for excellence in publication. ALCTS presents two Publication Awards to honor individuals for outstanding achievement in research and writing in the field of library collections and technical services.
If you are interested in nominating a publication for either of the awards, contact the chair of that award jury. The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is Dec. 1.
Edward Swanson Memorial Best of LRTS Award
The award is given in honor of Edward Swanson, LRTS Book Review Editor and long-time indexer, to the author(s) of the best paper published in Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS), the official journal of ALCTS. The winner will receive a citation and $250 from ALCTS. Papers published in volume 63 (2019) are eligible for consideration, with the exception of official reports and documents, obituaries, letters to the editor and biographies of award winners. Each paper will be judged on the following points: content with a significant contribution about one or more issues addressed by ALCTS and its sections; statements in the paper are adequately supported by accurate data and/or documentation; and clear and readable writing style.
Send nominations, along with the author, title and volume and issue of the paper being nominated and the reasons for the nomination to Kate Harcourt, chair, Best of LRTS Jury.
Visit the Edward Swanson Best of LRTS Award page for more information.
ALCTS Outstanding Publication Award
The award honors an author or authors who have written the year’s outstanding monograph, article or original paper in the field of technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, collection management, preservation, continuing resources and related areas in the library field. The award consists of a citation and $250 contributed by ALCTS. Works published in 2019 are eligible. Reprints of earlier publications will not be considered. The evaluation criteria include intellectual content; practical value; theoretical value; scholarship; presentation; and style. Papers published in LRTS are not eligible.
Send nominations, along with a statement giving the full bibliographic citation of the article, book or paper being nominated and reasons for the nomination to Valerie Glenn, chair, Publication Jury.
Visit the Outstanding Publication Award page for more information.
ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association. An international member-driven association, ALCTS engages the library community on issues and policies that affect the acquisition, management, discovery and preservation of library collections.
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