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LLAMA webinars help new supervisors hit the ground running

LLAMA webinars help new supervisors hit the ground running


If you are a new supervisor, it helps to be prepared for the challenges your staff may present to you. Whether you were promoted from within or hired from the outside, you can expect to face similar issues. Your staff may have conflicts among themselves, with past management or with customers that should be addressed. You will also need need to determine the best way to build an effective team, a process that is vital to your staff’s success and yours.


The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present two webinars for new supervisors: “Resolving Past Conflicts,” and “Teambuilding for the Future.” These webinars address two of LLAMA’s 14 Foundational Leadership Competencies.


“Resolving Past Conflicts,” Wednesday, March 11, 1:30-3:00 pm CT

This webinar will offer practical tools for understanding your new team, identifying issues, and cutting off past problems at the root.


Participants will learn:

-How to identify existing issues inside the team as a new manager (especially if no one has talked about the past)

-Methods for dealing with existing conflict so that it does not hamper the team’s future progress

-How to help staff put to rest issues with past supervisors

-How to coach staff to constructively deal with longstanding issues, both 1:1 and as a group


“New Supervisors: Teambuilding for the Future,” March 18, 1:30-3:00 pm CT.

This webinar will give new supervisors tools to help build their teams by establishing goals, setting norms, understanding each team member’s unique point of view, and celebrating the successes of today and tomorrow.


Participants will learn:

-Hands-on activities for use in teambuilding in today’s library

-The importance of teambuilding as a new manager in the long term success of the unit

-How to create a more cohesive group over shorter and longer time periods

-How to set goals to unify the team around a shared vision of the future


Who Should Attend: Supervisory and management personnel, especially those in the earlier parts of their careers or those in transition.


Our Presenters: John Mack Freeman and Radha Ashok, Branch Managers, Gwinnett County Public Library, Lawrenceville, Georgia


Registration: LLAMA member $49; Non-LLAMA member $59; LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $199; Non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $239; Student: $29

Register online:

To register with a purchase order or by mail, contact Vicky Williams: [email protected]


Can’t attend the live event? No problem! If you register you will automatically receive a link to the recorded version for later viewing.

Tech Requirements: This webinar uses GoToWebinar software which may require a small download.

Questions about this webinar: contact Fred Reuland at [email protected].


About the Library Leadership and Management Association

(LLAMA) advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders. LLAMA is a division of the .

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